Learn From Others’ Stormwater Success.
Whatever runoff-related challenge your community faces, chances are pretty good that we can offer insight into how your peers have put a solution in place.
Multimedia Toolkit
StormwaterPA's ever-growing body of video Case Studies look at some of the philosophies, processes, and partnerships that are being put into place throughout the Commonwealth. We hope they introduce the multiple benefits of forward thinking best management practices; open the door to new possibilities in your community; and motivate you and others to act.
Our Site Design Procedure for Better Stormwater Management provides an interactive walk through of the process of integrating stormwater management into land development. It's intended to give developers and their planning team a look at how a project should unfold—and just as importantly, it provides guidance on how municipalities can legislate good environmental design.
Thanks to the generous support from our funders, we're able to make all of our materials available online for anytime, anywhere use. To order hard copy versions of our programs for outreach and education purposes, please visit the GreenTreks Network store.
Multimedia Toolkit
Communities all across the nation are affected by polluted runoff, but the wide variation in landscape, geology, hydrology, socio-economics, and many other factors affect which solutions are best suited to a community’s needs. The devil’s in the details and though they’re all intended to protect our waterways, stormwater management programs can vary widely from one state to the next.
In Pennsylvania, SWMPs are often different from municipality to municipality. In the same vein, even though swm techniques might be similar, subtle (and not so subtle) nuances are often employed on different sites.