Alexander Spring Run | How Healthy is Alexander Spring Run?
Unfortunately, Alexander Spring Run is impaired due to nonpoint source pollution. This means that rain water runoff from a variety of locations carries pollution into the waterway. You can help protect it, and in turn, protect the Chesapeake Bay as well!
How healthy is it? No drinking water is drawn from this stream nor is it wide enough for water sports. The entire waterway is considered impaired mainly due to non-point pollution. Runoff from agricultural land and construction increases siltation in the stream. There are three industrial stormwater discharge points in the watershed contribute to water quality degradation.
Municipalities in the Alexander Spring Run Watershed:
Dickinson Township, West Pennsboro Township, North Middletown Township, Carlisle Borough.
Watershed Facts
Unique Feature
Approximately 80% of the watershed’s geology is limestone, while about 15% is shale/siltstone. Over 70% of the watershed is agricultural land cover although in recent years, some of that agricultural land has been converted to large warehousing complexes. Due to its proximately to State Route 81, development pressure within this watershed is expected to continue. Fifteen percent of the watershed is forested (including Cumberland Golf Course), and the remaining ~10% land cover is urban/suburban.
Drinking Water
No drinking water is drawn from this stream.