Cumberland County: Clean Your Water
Monroe Township
Where Do You Live?
Where do you live? Learn about your local watersheds, your community's water protection efforts, and WHAT YOU CAN DO to protect your local creeks, rivers, and streams...
Find Where You Live On The Map!
Click to view a map of your area. Find your street. Use the color-coded key to determine which watershed you live in.
There are Five Watersheds in Monroe Township:
Yellow Breeches Drainage
Hogestown Run Drainage
Trindle Spring Run Drainage
Dogwood Run Drainage (tributary of Yellow Breeches)
Little Dogwood Run Drainage (tributary of Yellow Breeches)
Monroe Resources
Monroe Township Stormwater Ordinance
Monroe Township's Website
1220 Boiling Springs Road,
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Phone: (717) 258-6642 or (717) 697-4613
Fax: (717) 258-9311
E-Mail: Monroetwp@monroetwp.net