Resources for Business and Transportation Managers
Many businesses no longer look at rainwater runoff as a nuisance to be sent down the drain. Instead, they look at it as a resource that provides multiple benefits--including an improved bottom line. There are many ways these innovators are managing their stormwater, from on site capture and reuse, to beautification and infiltration. They're saving money, improving water quality, and educating the public -- and gaining a marketing edge.
If an Expo Center with more than 100 acres of impervious parking lot and rooftop can make changes work for them, imagine the cumulative impact of all business owners taking a similar approach:
Amongst the many methods of eliminating impervious surfaces, porous (or pervious) pavement is increasingly used as a way to capture and control stormwater and help get it back into the ground. Parking lots, sidewalks, and even streets and alleyways are being converted from impervious to porous surface to help keep polluted runoff out of our rivers and streams:
New and innovative techniques for keeping stormwater on site and out of overburdened sewer systemt -- and ultimately, out of our rivers and streams -- are being put in place all around us, every day. Check out the video case studies we've called out on the right for some inspiring examples, and dig into the resources we've listed below for more ideas and details. As always, we encourage you to share your lessons learned, other materials you've found helpful, and your own stories of stormwater management success. We're all in this together, so let us know what works and what doesn't annd we'll pass it along!
Clean Water Act Industrial Storm Water Applicability Flowchart
Best Management Practices For Industrial Storm Water Pollution Control
Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure: Action Strategy
Rooftops to Rivers: Green Strategies for Controlling Stormwater and Combined Sewer Overflows
Green Guide for Property Management
Clean Water Partners: Make it your business to reduce water pollution and flooding
Video Resources