Hogestown Run | Get involved in your community!
Do you live in the Hogestown Run Watershed? Hogestown Run drains into Conodoguinet Creek. These are watershed groups that work within the Conodoguinet watershed. They can get you started with protecting water in your community! Explore your community role to learn more about how to help your watershed.
Conodoguinet Watershed Association
Conodoguinet Creek Water Trail
Middle Spring Watershed Association
Cumberland Valley Trout Unlimited
Municipalities in the Hogestown Run Watershed:
Silver Spring Township and Monroe Township.
Watershed Facts
Unique Feature
The geology of the watershed is limestone dominated (95%). Approximately 65% of the watershed is agricultural land cover. The remaining land cover is split equally between urban, suburban, and forested land. Silver Spring Township lists the watershed as having extensive development pressures. Hogestown Run is designated a Cold Water Fishery, though some believe numbers of brown and rainbow trout have declined in recent years.
Drinking Water
No drinking water is drawn from this stream.