Trindle Spring Run | How Healthy is Trindle Spring Run?
At its mouth, the Trindle Spring Run is considered a High Quality-Cold Water Fishery. As it flows through areas of great development, it unfortunately becomes impaired. Polychlorinated Biphenyl contamination, agriculture runoff, and stormwater all contribute to this impairment.
The section of Trindle Spring Run from the Silver Spring Meeting House to its mouth is designated as a High Quality-Cold Water Fishery (HQ-CWF) under Chapter 93 by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC ) designation is a Class A Wild Rainbow Trout Fishery in that section and has not been stocked since 1950.
The small section from the meeting house to mouth flows through some buffered areas , crosses underneath the busy Carlisle Pike and flows past the Wegman’s shopping center, and meets the Conodoguinet right behind the store. A consumption warning of only one fish caught from this area because of the chronic presence of Polychlorinated Biphenyl’s (PCBs) in fish tissue. The stream is on the DEP 303 (d)list of impaired waters . The uses of Trindle Spring are impaired per regulations for aquatic life and fish consumption . The causes of impairment include Polychlorinated Biphenyl’s (PCB) contamination. Other causes of impairment for the length of the stream are agriculture, urban stormwater , PCBs and other “priority organics”, organic chemicals that have an ability to bio accumulate in animal tissue.
The DEP holds two discharge permits for point sources on Trindle Spring Run, but no public sewage treatment permits.
Municipalities in the Trindle Spring Run Watershed:
Although it’s only 5.6 miles long, it flows through Mechanicsburg Borough, Upper Allen Township, Hampden Township, Silver Spring Township, and Monroe Township. Portions of the stream flow underground between Mechanicsburg Borough and Silver Spring Township.
Watershed Facts
Unique Feature
Aquatic plants common to limestone spring streams such as watercress and water-starwort provide cover for trout. The downstream portion of the stream from a spring source near the Silver Spring Meeting House downstream to its mouth (approximately 0.9 miles) supports a naturally reproducing population of rainbow trout, uncommon in Pennsylvania. A low-head dam was removed from this stream reach during 2006 to allow for greater fish passage and other environmental benefits.
Drinking Water Info
There is no drinking water drawn from Trindle Spring Run.